Fact Sheets
The following fact sheets are designed to be printed off as an easy reference.
DISCLAIMER. The information and advice found on this website aims to reflect current medical knowledge and practice. However, this is not a substitute for clinical judgement and individual medical advice. The website authors accept no responsibility for any consequences arising from relying upon the information contained on this website.
Daily Symptom Chart - Also available as a PDF 
Weekly Activity Schedule - Also available as a PDF
Antidepressants, the options 
Mood stabilisers, the options 
Relaxation Exercises
Sleep Hygiene
Problem Solving Strategy
The following medications are available as fact sheets:
Aripiprazole, Carbamazepine, Citalopram and escitalopram, Clozapine, Fluoxetine, Lamotrigine, Lithium, Mirtazapine, Olanzapine, Paroxetine, Quetiapine, Risperidone, Sodium Valproate, Topiramate, Tricyclic Antidepressants, Venlafaxine, Ziprasidone